Hadassah MS Patient, Dov Guggenheim, Runs in Jerusalem Marathon

March 20, 2017

Hadassah MS Patient, Dov Guggenheim, Runs in Jerusalem Marathon

Dov Guggenheim, was born in 1996 in Passaic, NJ. His mother took him to Israel for a year when he was in elementary school. Since that day he knew he would be forever connected to Israel. 

When he was 16, Dov made Aliyah to Israel by himself, finishing high school at the scientific Yeshiva High School in Maale Adumim. 

From there, he volunteered for the integrated army service and yeshiva program, at Kibbutz Maale Gilboa.

However, things changed in October, 2015 when he was diagnosed with MS. He was only 19.He switched to Yeshivat Mahanyaim in Efrat, so that he can be treated at Hadassah hospital. MS did not stop Dov from continuing to live his life. With the help of Hadassah’s treatments, he currently studies and works part-time. Dov hopes to have a future in finance. He’s got a knack for investing. 

Since he is a strong Zionist, Dov always looks for ways to serve Israel in any way he can. He will be volunteering for military service in the nearby future. 

Regardless of his diagnosis, Dov signed up to run in the Jerusalem marathon to raise awareness for MS through the MS Center at Hadassah. He wanted to show that MS is not a death sentence and that with the right treatment, support, and mindset, truly anything is possible. 

"I'm running this marathon through the MS center at Hadassah, not only because of the great treatment that I have received there, but because they afford me the greatest chance to affect the most people, by garnering the most possible help, either through awareness or donations.”

He's counting on Hadassah to come up with a cure! Find out how you can help today.

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