March 16, 2023

[Hadassah On Call:] Eating Disorders: Not Just About Food

March 16, 2023

[Hadassah On Call:] Eating Disorders: Not Just About Food

"An eating disorder isn’t about eating at all," says Efrat Dreizner, coordinator of social work in the psychiatry departments at the Hadassah Medical Organization, on the new episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast. It’s a mental health issue. "It’s just a way to regulate [a] feeling — a bad way," she says.

Although eating disorders aren’t just about adolescents — or girls — reports show a significant spike among young people in Israel, the US and beyond. Getting help is key. With treatment, 40% of patients at Hadassah in this population will recover, while 60% could stay on a chronic track that may lead to suicide, according to Dr. Esti Galili-Weisstub, director of the Herman Dana Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Hadassah Medical Organization.

Does your child or someone you care about have an eating disorder? Tune in to hear Dreizner and Dr. Galili-Weisstub discuss the causes, effects, prevention and treatment of eating disorders, including anorexia.

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