[Hadassah On Call] Gut-Wrenching: Crohn's, Colitis and More

June 15, 2023

[Hadassah On Call] Gut-Wrenching: Crohn's, Colitis and More

For people with Crohn’s disease and colitis, debilitating diarrhea, abdominal pain and fatigue are common, yet new treatments have been continually emerging. Scientists are still trying to understand how and why people get inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but we do know it's more prevalent among Ashkenazi Jews and people farther from the equator. Are there possible causes? What about a Crohn’s-colon cancer connection? What are the best options for treatment right now? What does Crohn’s look like in children?

In the newest episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast, Dr. Ari Benson, senior physician at Hadassah Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and Dr. Zev Davidovics, Hadassah senior pediatric gastroenterologist, tackle these questions and more.

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