[Hadassah On Call] Ovarian Cancer: Understanding the Silent Killer

March 17, 2022

[Hadassah On Call] Ovarian Cancer: Understanding the Silent Killer

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. In this new Hadassah On Call podcast episode, Ovarian Cancer: Understanding the Silent Killer, host Benyamin Cohen talks with Dr. Tamar Perri, director of the Gynecologic Oncology Department and Dr. Rivka Brooks, a former patient of Dr. Perri and a founding director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Hadassah Mount Scopus, about the detection and treatment of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer, the fifth deadliest cancer for women, is linked primarily to the BRCA genetic mutation, carried by one in every 40 women in the Jewish community. Dr. Perri discusses early genetic screening for BRCA and options for women who either carry the gene or have developed cancer, and treatment options including hysterectomy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy with drugs such as Avastin and PARP inhibitors.

Both doctors are strong advocates of BRCA screening. "Get tested and remove the ovaries at the right time, before it gets cancerous," says Dr. Perri.

Listen to this new Hadassah On Call episode for the latest in ovarian cancer detection and treatment options.

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