[Hadassah On Call] Pioneering Breast Cancer Experts Share New Updates from Israel

October 22, 2021

[Hadassah On Call] Pioneering Breast Cancer Experts Share New Updates from Israel

As Breast Cancer Awareness Month winds down, Prof. Beatrice Uziely and Dr. Shani Paluch-Shimon, two of Israel’s top oncologists who specialize in breast cancer, have an important message for women: Don’t skip your mammogram appointments. After nearly two years of isolation, telehealth and sheltering-in-place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many women have chosen to hold off on their annual checkups. Yet, breast cancer screenings and treatments are essential.

"Go and check yourself," says Prof. Uziely, head of Oncology and Ambulatory Services at Hadassah's Sharett Institute of Oncology, adding, "Many patients are coming late and it's too late because they didn't want to come to a hospital during the pandemic."

This crucial advice should be a wake-up call for women and men — and it’s the reason why Hadassah's revisiting its 2020 Hadassah On Call breast cancer podcast episode with NEW audio from Prof. Uziely and Dr. Paluch-Shimon, director of Breast Oncology at Hadassah’s hospitals, on the latest breast cancer research and treatments.

In this rebroadcasted episode, "Breast Cancer: Early Detection, Higher Risks and the Effect of COVID-19 – New Updates!" listeners will be fascinated as Prof. Uziely and Dr. Paluch-Shimon talk about the importance of early screenings, the potential for a breast cancer vaccine and what patients can do to fight breast cancer in the wake of COVID-19.

Listen now to this important Hadassah On Call podcast episode with new updates for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and share with your family and friends to make sure they stay informed!

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