[Hadassah On Call] Secrets to Living Better While Growing Older

July 20, 2023

[Hadassah On Call] Secrets to Living Better While Growing Older

It’s an age-old question: What’s the secret to living a long life?

“It’s not rocket science,” says Dr. Jeremy Jacobs, chair of the Geriatric and Rehabilitation Complex at the Hadassah Medical Organization.

Global studies have identified physical activity, a good diet, enough sleep, stress reduction, social structure and faith-based practice as predictors of longevity.

“It’s very intuitive stuff,” he says.

On the newest episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast, Dr. Jacobs delves deeper into the keys to living longer — and better — including helping to stave off dementia and mental health issues. He also discusses developments in home care, the role of genetics in longevity, polypharmacy and more.

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