[Hadassah On Call:] We've Got Your Back

September 19, 2024

[Hadassah On Call:] We've Got Your Back

The idea of being able to fracture your spine by sneezing seems unbelievable.

The fact that back issues are the number one source of missed workdays in the Western world today does also.

But these are actualities, according to Dr. Josh Schroeder, head of the Spinal Deformities Surgery Department at the Hadassah Medical Organization. On the newest episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast, We've Got Your Back, Dr. Schroeder discusses back pain and disorders, covering everything from bone density to spinal compression fractures in pregnant or breastfeeding women to back issues in children, as well as technological advances in the operating room, including possibly in the future, being able to help paralyzed people walk again.

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