Hadassah National President Op-Ed in Newsweek: The UN Again Reveals Its True Colors

September 26, 2024

Hadassah National President Op-Ed in Newsweek: The UN Again Reveals Its True Colors

“As global leaders converge in New York for the UNGA meetings, we must ask how we got here — to a world in which the UN is so entrenched in anti-Israel bias that it rewards terrorism and asks a sovereign nation not to defend itself,” Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz writes in a  September 25 opinion piece in Newsweek magazine. “We must also ask leaders of countries around the world to act independently to pursue justice.”

“It is not too late, and we cannot give up. The war between Israel and Hamas will not end until all the hostages are safely released –– alive,” she writes. “We continue to call on United Nations leaders to secure the unconditional release of the remaining hostages –– citizens of at least five countries  –– and hold Hamas accountable for its egregious crimes, including conflict-related sexual violence.”

The piece in Newsweek was in response to actions taken by global leaders at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meetings the week prior.

On September 18, the UNGA adopted a biased resolution that “effectively strips Israel of the right to self-defense in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem –– without even mentioning Hamas and its historical and ongoing terrorist attacks against Israel,” Schwartz writes.

Schwartz thanked US leaders for standing up against the resolution and called on other countries to “re-evaluate their support and silence during the vote.”

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