Hadassah's Doctor Recounts Personal Holocaust Story

May 5, 2016

Hadassah's Doctor Recounts Personal Holocaust Story

"I have four children and six grandchildren--one for each of the million murdered in the Shoah," said Holocaust survivor Dr. Shaul Perlberg, now a senior physician in the Department of Urology at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus.

Speaking during Holocaust Remembrance Day services held at the hospital, he told his own story of survival. As a child, after his parents were taken away, he was hidden by a neighbor until the war was over, despite Gestapo searches and night raids. After the war, Dr. Perlberg was reunited with his mother and built a new life in Israel, where he went on to raise his own family.

Holocaust ceremonies were held at both Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus and Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem. Former Hadassah National President Bonnie Lipton conducted a ceremony honoring the Shapell family, Holocaust survivors and major Hadassah Medical Organization donors.

Israel's National TV station Chanel 1 attended the ceremony and featured Dr. Perlberg’s story.

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