Hadassah's healing work is more important than ever.

June 24, 2020

Hadassah's healing work is more important than ever.

"Holocaust education? You might be wondering: Why now? Why, amid a pandemic, unprecedented protests against racial justice, crushing economic pressure, a national election, and deep political division? Because when our gridlocked lawmaking system yields to near unanimity on the need for a law, there's no better time to act," writes Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow in Kveller, the popular online Jewish parenting publication.

Hadassah's successful actions to pass the Never Again Education Act (NAEA) into law are particularly important today, she writes, "Because focusing on coronavirus doesn’t mean we ignore other forms of contagion. And because the lesson of the Holocaust — and the language of the NAEA — speak directly to the struggle against racism as well." In harrowing times, Hadassah is always working toward healing. Take pride in what our strong community is doing in the US, Israel and around the world, this week and every week.

Hear from Hadassah experts: Watch "Leading a COVID-19 Free Hospital — A Vision Beyond the Virus" with Dr. Tamar Elram, Director of Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus. This webinar is a part of Hadassah International's "Summer Summit 2020 — Health Talks with Hadassah Experts."

Meaningful stories from Israel: Israel, On-Air: How Podcasts Are Creating Meaningful Dialogue About Israel, a webinar hosted by the Israel Action Network, features an interview with journalist Dina Kraft, host of Hadassah's podcast The Branch: Real Stories about Building Connections Between Jews and Arabs. Tune in this Thursday, June 25, at 1:00 pm EDT. And look for new episodes of The Branch in late August.

Cooking with Hadassah Magazine: Top Chef's Gail Simmons opens up about her career in the food world, motherhood and her love of Israel, and shares two personal favorites: za'atar chicken schnitzel with Israeli salad and chocolate banoffee pie, a chilled summertime dessert.

In case you missed it: Watch Getting Personal and Political about Infertility with Hadassah reConceiving Infertility Ambassador Amy Klein, Hadassah Director of Government Relations Karen Paikin Barall, and Elana Frank, CEO and Founder of the Jewish Fertility Foundation.

Ongoing weekly series:

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Tuesdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Thursdays at 1:30 pm EDT. (Register seperately.) NOTE: Beginning next week on June 30, only Tuesday sessions will be available.

Conversational Hebrew: Mondays, Beginner Level, at 3:00 pm EDT, and Intermediate Level, at 4:00 pm EDT. Homework review sessions, Thursdays, 4:00 pm EDT.

For past programs see last week's Hadassah@home email or the Member Engagement page on hadassah.org

Follow our online COVID-19 coverage.

NOTE: Many online events will ask for your Hadassah ID number to register.

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