Hadassah's Holistic Hospice: A Small Haven with a Big Heart

February 18, 2020

Hadassah's Holistic Hospice: A Small Haven with a Big Heart

Guided by a holistic approach, the hospice at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus helps patients and their loved ones meet the challenges of end-stage illness with dignity, physical ease, and emotional comfort.

Dr. Daniel Azoulay, director of Hadassah’s palliative care services, explains, “Each patient receives personalized care. We don’t go to extreme measures to extend the patient's life, and we also take care not to shorten their lives.”

Physiotherapy, reflexology, dancing, singing, walks in the garden, and family outings are all part of the holistic program, with the goal of helping patients enjoy time with their loved ones.

Ezra, whose mother is a patient at Hadassah’s hospice, calls the staff and volunteers “a gift from G-d.”

Read the full story in The Jerusalem Post.

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