Hadassah's Wohl Institute Provides Tools for Researchers to Advance

June 24, 2020

Hadassah's Wohl Institute Provides Tools for Researchers to Advance

It’s been just six months since the Wohl Institute for Translational Medicine opened at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, but it has already become the locus of 30 research projects from Hadassah, from its partner the Hebrew University, and from research institutes around Israel.

“In such a short time, with nearly half of it dominated by COVID-19, we've established ourselves as a national center,” says Institute Director Rinat Abramovitch, PhD. Lone researchers, previously stymied by the unaffordability of sophisticated imaging equipment, can now use the Wohl facilities, made possible by funds from the United Kingdom-based Wohl Legacy, a gift facilitated by Hadassah United Kingdom.

Wohl Institute researchers are already publishing in scientific journals. For example, a research team that includes Hadassah nephrologists has an article on microRNA in chronic kidney disease in the Journal of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. In another example, Emma Hajaj, an MD-PhD candidate at Hadassah’s Sharett Institute of Oncology, published a paper in the medical journal ELife after she and her team found a way to make immunotherapy more successful for melanoma patients.

Read about the creation of the Wohl Institute.

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