Hadassah Surgeons Operate All Night After Collapse of Bleachers

May 21, 2021

Hadassah Surgeons Operate All Night After Collapse of Bleachers

A bleacher in a Jerusalem synagogue’s prayer hall under renovation collapsed on Sunday, killing two people and injuring 184, most of them teenagers. The Hadassah Medical Organization had previously witnessed this type of mass influx of people with similar injuries only after large terror attacks, says Senior Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem Orthopedist Josh Schroeder.

Hadassah received 120 of the patients. “What the patients went through was akin to falling from the second floor of a house,” reports Dr. Schroeder. “We saw broken arms, broken legs, fractures of the spine and head injuries. We have some 10 patients with fractured spines.”

Text messages went out to Hadassah personnel and, within minutes, 200 Hadassah employees —doctors, nurses, technicians and support staff— arrived to help.

The congregation of Givat Ze’ev had gathered together to celebrate the start of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Read more in The Times of Israel.

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