Hadassah to Supply 700,000 Bottles of Hadassol to Israeli Health System

March 26, 2020

Hadassah to Supply 700,000 Bottles of Hadassol to Israeli Health System

Given Israel’s shortage of alcohol-based cleansing gel, the Hadassah Medical Organization has expanded production of Hadassol, its in-house hand sanitizer. “Hadassah and its staff are mobilized for this national effort,” reports HMO Director General Prof. Zeev Rotstein. “Three shifts per day are working to prepare the disinfectant, under the direction of Hadassah’s pharmacy manager Orit Bitner.”

Hadassol will be supplied centrally by Sarel, the purchasing body of Israel’s governmental hospitals, and by the Health Ministry’s Emergencies Division. Already 700,000 half-liter (1 US pint) bottles have been ordered from Hadassah.

Hadassol is being used throughout Hadassah Ein Kerem and Hadassah Mount Scopus— in the inpatient units, in each elevator, and in all public spaces.

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