Hadassah UK Volunteer Teams Up with Hadassah to Save Mosul Kids

June 5, 2017

Hadassah UK Volunteer Teams Up with Hadassah to Save Mosul Kids

Sally Becker, a volunteer and past trustee of Hadassah United Kingdom, is on a mission to save children at risk from the battle for Mosul. She has created the only front-line pediatric unit in this war-torn area and has also teamed up with the Hadassah Medical Organization to help those children who need specialized pediatric care.

Prof. Eitan Kerem, who heads Hadassah’s Division of Pediatrics, explains: “Unfortunately, as Israelis, we are unable to be part of Sally’s team on the ground, but we are committed to providing our expertise and experience for these children."

“Hadassah is looking forward to receiving the children from Mosul and is proud to collaborate with Sally on her important humanitarian mission.”

Dubbed the “Angel of Mostar” for her work during the Balkan wars, Ms. Becker has formed the world’s first mobile, battle-ready unit focused entirely on saving children in the world’s conflict zones. She created the eight-person medical team in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Mosul, where an estimated 350,000 children are trapped as United States-backed Iraqi forces try to take the city back from the terrorist organization Daesh (ISIS).

Speaking from the outskirts of Mosul, in earshot of explosions as black smoke billowed behind her, she said: “The unit’s mission is to provide critical, frontline pediatric medical relief. Nothing like this existed before.”

Read more about Ms. Becker’s work in the United Kingdom’s Jewish Chronicle at https://www.thejc.com/news/news-features/we-are-the-only-frontline-paediatric-unit-in-mosul-1.438473

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