Happy Summer! Enjoy some summer fun with us.

July 1, 2020

Happy Summer! Enjoy some summer fun with us.

With summer here, we hope you are finding ways to enjoy the season safely and in good health.

Please note that for July and August, you will receive Hadassah@home emails every other week. But, as you'll see below, we have special programming planned this summer that, as always, you'll be able to enjoy from the comfort of home.

Hear from Hadassah experts: Watch "Leading a COVID-19 Free Hospital — A Vision Beyond the Virus" with Dr. Tamar Elram, Director of Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus. This webinar is a part of Hadassah International's "Summer Summit 2020 — Health Talks with Hadassah Experts."

You're invited! For the first time, Hadassah's Annual National Business Meeting will be held online. Special programming — open to all on July 14 — features invited guests including historian Gil Troy and Israeli human rights activist Natan Sharansky on Zionism, and chef Julie Ohana with a cooking demo. You’ll hear updates about the Hadassah Medical Organization, Youth Aliyah, Young Judaea and Hadassah Israel Travel, and we'll celebrate the Year of the Nurse/Midwife. Special programming is $36. The National Business Meeting, for registered delegates only, is 12:30-2:30 pm EDT (no charge). Register here.

The Branch podcast returns!  We're excited to kick off Season 2 of Hadassah's popular podcast, "The Branch: Real Stories about Building Connections Between Jews and Arabs" this Thursday with "The Corona Chronicles." In this timely episode, host Dina Kraft takes us back into the lives of Jews and Arabs we met in earlier episodes to see how they’re faring as the Israeli economy reopens, and uncertainty continues.

Applaud women's suffrage: The Hadassah Magazine Discussion Group presents Votes for Women: Jews and the Suffrage Movement. Executive Editor Lisa Hostein moderates a panel of leading American Jewish historians to discuss the contributions of Jewish women to the suffrage movement and what that legacy means today. July 22, 2020, 7:30 pm EDT.

An illuminating interview: Watch Understanding the Role of Science in Promoting Social Justice and Improving Our Lives with Hadassah member Paula Apsell, the winner of a Lifetime Achievement Emmy for her role leading PBS's acclaimed Nova series, as she discusses the science behind urgent issues like COVID-19 and climate change with Lisa Hostein. Sponsored by Hadassah's Professional Councils — Attorneys and Judges, Nurses & Allied Health Professionals, Physicians — and open to all members. July 28, 2020, 8:00 pm EDT.

Celebrate friendship: Invite someone close to you to join online for a special "Invite a Friend" session of Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca on Tuesday July 28 at 4:00 pm EDT featuring special reflections on the gift of friendship.

Ongoing weekly series:

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Tuesdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Sessions are now only on Tuesdays. No session on July 14.

Conversational Hebrew: Mondays, Beginner Level, at 3:00 pm EDT, and Intermediate Level, at 4:00 pm EDT. Homework review sessions, Thursdays, 4:00 pm EDT.

For past programs see last week's Hadassah@home email or the Member Engagement page on hadassah.org

Follow our online COVID-19 coverage.

NOTE: Many online events will ask for your Hadassah ID number to register.

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