Healing the Enemy; Honoring Human Life

July 24, 2017

Healing the Enemy; Honoring Human Life

For Nurse Itzhak Brook, witnessing medical teams at Hadassah Hospital fight to save the lives of enemy soldiers set an ethical standard he adhered to when he became a physician.

Dr. Brook, now Professor of Pediatrics at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.),

served as an army medic during the 1967 Six-Day War in the battle for Jerusalem and as a battalion physician in the 1973 Yom Kippur War in the Sinai. In both wars, he cared for many wounded prisoners. Among them was an Egyptian fighter pilot. “As I mended his broken leg and bandaged his burns,” recalls Dr. Brook, “he showed me a photo of his family. His two young children were the same ages as my children. I realized that he just wanted to see them again.”

Read more about Dr. Brook’s memories of caring for enemy soldiers in the

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