Historic Visit: Brazilian Federal Senator Flavio Bolsonaro visits HMO

April 1, 2019

Historic Visit: Brazilian Federal Senator Flavio Bolsonaro visits HMO

Federal Senator Flavio Bolsonaro, the eldest son of the President of Brazil, made an historic groundbreaking visit to Hadassah Medical Organization’s Ein Kerem campus as part of the official Brazilian Presidential delegation to Israel, demonstrating the exceptional relationship that Brazil is developing with the State of Israel.

Hadassah Medical Organization Director General Prof. Zeev Rotstein took great pride in personally showing some of the extraordinary features of Hadassah to Senator Bolsonaro.

Prof Rotstein, who is a cardiologist, together with Cardiology Department Director Dr. Refat Jabara, showed the visitors around the Irma and Paul Milstein Heart Center, one of the most advanced in the world.

In the Metta Cohen Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Director Jacques Braun and nurse Asia Birbrair (who moved to Israel from Fortaleza, Brazil ten years ago) and EEG technician Camilla Kadosh (who made Aliya from Manaus 12 years ago), spoke about the Jewish and Palestinian children receiving life-saving care in the department donated by Hadassah Mexico.

The delegation went four floors below ground and toured the extensive, secure operating rooms. They observed a transplant surgery in progress and a trauma burn case.

As he was walked around the hospital, Senator Bolsonaro was very impressed by the combination of technology, research and the expertise of the medical doctors that make Hadassah unique.

He remarked about the level of cleanliness, organization, technology and research that is exceptional for a public hospital in most parts of the world, and something that Brazil aspires to, and would like to work cooperatively with HMO to make this a reality.

In an emotional moment, Senator Bolsonaro presented white fluffy teddy bears to two small hospitalized children - one Jewish and one Palestinian. Senator Bonsonaro remarked that he was extremely impressed with the “inclusiveness” he saw everywhere as he walked around the hospital.

Said Senator Bolsonaro, “I am so impressed with what I’ve seen here today. The mix of people of all religions, of Jews, Christians and Moslems, of Israelis and Palestinians, both as patients and staff members is such a positive example of togetherness. Your sophisticated use of technology aided by the human components is important for me to see. We have human resources in Brazil that need to be put to use.  I am also impressed by the combination of public health care with private donations from good people around the world. I am returning to Brazil with many new ideas.”

He pointed out that even though he is a lawyer and politician, he is not devoid of medical knowledge. His father-in-law is a cardiologist.

Senator Bolsonaro was accompanied on this visit to Hadassah Hospital by Fabio Wajngarten, the President of Hadassah Brazil, other leaders of the Brazilian Jewish community, and Jorge Diener, Associate Director of Hadassah International.

Wajngarten stated “This visit was spectacular. I am so proud as President of Hadassah Brazil that Senator Bonsonaro was able to see Hadassah.”

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