HMO Exclusive Call with Nurse Rely Alon

May 3, 2018

HMO Exclusive Call with Nurse Rely Alon

Dear Friends,

Dr. Rely Alon, Director, Division of Nursing & Health Professions

Wednesday May 9, 2018 from 10:00 - 11:00 am EDT

For this call — during National Nurses Week — Dr. Alon will discuss her goals for HMO nursing, exciting research developments at the Hadassah Medical Organization, and the interplay between her new professional role and personal commitment to women's rights, women's health, and health education.

Previously, Dr. Alon directed the Henrietta Szold Hadassah-Hebrew University Nursing Extension at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital in Beer Yaakov and headed the Women's Health Center of the Maccabi Sick Fund. One of Israel's few nurse practitioners and a qualified midwife, Dr. Alon has a PhD in gender studies from Bar-Ilan University and a BA in nursing from Tel Aviv University. She was born in Israel to Holocaust survivor parents.

For 100 years, Hadassah nurses have led the way in Israel. Help us mark the 100th anniversary of the Henrietta Szold Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

IMPORTANT: Please note that Dr. Alon cannot offer personal advice on an individual health matter. Questions should be about her work at Hadassah's hospitals or other general questions about nurses in Israel.


National President

There will be nothing displayed during the call. This is ONLY an audio conference. Due to persistent audio issues, we will be using an Operator Assisted Conference Call number only. You will no longer have the option to use your computer audio (mic and speakers or headset).

Land lines are recommended since mobile connections are known to be less stable.
Do NOT use a speakerphone because they can cause echoes, feedback and garbled audio.

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