As leaders in the pro-Israel community, Hadassah members work to ensure that US support for Israel and her people is unwavering. One of the greatest expressions of this sentiment is the close cooperation between our two countries in developing the Iron Dome missile defense system and the US commitment to help Israel maintain this critical life-saving tool. As proud Zionists, Hadassah members have been on the frontlines of the effort to win support in Congress for Israel’s request for emergency support in replenishing the depleted stockpiles of Iron Dome’s interceptor missiles.
In a new JNS column, Yoram Weiss, Acting Director General of Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), and Dalia Itzik, Speaker of the 17th Knesset and Chairwoman of HMO’s Board of Directors, echo Hadassah members in arguing that this technological marvel is essential in keeping Israel’s diverse population safe.