Holocaust Survivors: When the Abused Become Healers

May 20, 2024

Holocaust Survivors: When the Abused Become Healers

“They always said there was a choice in life: to destroy or build the world.”

Hadassah’s Dr. David (Dubi) Zangen said this of his parents when then-British MP Jenny Tonge asked him, back in 2002, “if he really couldn’t understand the Palestinians and their intifada.”

Barbara Sofer, public relations director at the Hadassah Offices in Israel, quotes this conversation in her recent opinion piece in The Jerusalem Post about Holocaust survivors turning to professions of healing despite undergoing extreme privation and abuse, as did their children — many of them doctors and nurses at the Hadassah Medical Organization — possibly because of passed-down trauma.

Read “Holocaust survivors: When the abused become healers” in The Jerusalem Post.

Listen to the new episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast episode about living with PTSD.

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