Advocacy and other engaging activities to do from home.

January 26, 2022

Advocacy and other engaging activities to do from home.

This past Saturday marked the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Yet now, nearly five decades later, we can't be sure that ruling — and its protections — will survive the year ahead. Affirming that "we're proud to come together as a powerful Hadassah force for women," Hadassah President Rhoda Smolow and CEO Naomi Adler write about why we need to act now to support the Women's Health Protection Act. Join us in taking action for reproductive rights.

Then read below for many other ways to engage with our Hadassah community in the weeks ahead.

What Zionism Means to Me

Candid talk on Zionism: Join us for What Zionism Means to Me: Young Women Share Their Truths, the first in a new Hadassah series, Evolving Zionism: A Safe Space for Candid Conversations. Hear from passionate young women who are defending Zionism to their peers and in public circles, in this panel moderated by Stephanie Hausner, Program Officer of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. If we care about safeguarding Israel's future, we must support these young people who are out there defending Zionism, even if it's in ways that differ from how we've traditionally talked about Israel. Listen, learn and be inspired. Thursday, February 3, 7 pm ET.

Support Holocaust education in public schools:

Support Holocaust education in public schools: In commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day this week (January 27), we encourage you to take this important advocacy measure:  Urge the Department of Education to include a question in the Civil Rights Data Collection survey. to address whether public schools are teaching students the lessons of the Holocaust. Take action by February 11.

Hadassah On Call: Healthy Bones. Can We Grow New Ones?

New podcast episode: Listen to the latest  Hadassah On Call: Healthy Bones. Can We Grow New Ones? Have you ever wondered if you could regrow your bones after an injury or why it takes some bones longer to heal than others? Have you ever thought about what you could be doing in your daily routine to increase bone health? All these and more bone-related questions are answered in this new episode, featuring Dr. Amir Haze, director of Hadassah hospital's foot and ankle unit and the head of orthopedic research.

Empower yourself to fight cancer

Empower yourself to fight cancer: Watch The ART of Empowering Health — Awareness, Research & Treatment: Cancer Prevention, Education & Resilience Seminar. This online program features an impressive lineup of experts from top US hospitals and Hadassah's hospitals. Topics include risk assessment and genetic testing; how research leads to treatment and better outcomes; genetic risk and treatment decisions; and coping with cancer. Whether you're interested in reducing your personal risk of cancer, are supporting a loved one or are grappling with a diagnosis yourself, this seminar is for you. Sunday, January 30, 1 pm ET.

Live with Rachel Sharona Lewis and The Rabbi Who Prayed With Fire

New One Book, One Hadassah: Live with Rachel Sharona Lewis and The Rabbi Who Prayed With Fire. Set in Providence, R.I., Lewis’s debut novel, an homage to the Rabbi Small mysteries by Harry Kemelman, introduces readers to a compelling new character in the clerical-sleuth genre: Vivian Green. The young, queer assistant rabbi at Congregation Beth Abraham, a Conservative congregation, investigates the strange happenings at her synagogue as she wrestles with Jewish tradition, contemporary issues — from antisemitism to racism to intergenerational conflicts — and local politics. Thursday, February 3, 7 pm ET.

Share your stories

Share your stories:Join the Hadassah Writers’ Circle and write essays for the Hadassah website and various media outlets. We will guide you through the writing process and help you prepare first-person pieces about topics of your choosing: what it means to be part of Hadassah, our hospitals and medical care, our advocacy, Shabbat, the holidays or experiences close to your heart. Now seeking stories about heart health, women's empowerment, Purim, Passover and Yom HaShoah. Contact


Antisemitism on Campus: What You Need to Know

Hadassah Magazine Discussion: Antisemitism on Campus: What You Need to Know.

SAVE THE DATE (details to come in future emails):

For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Virtual Programming page. Follow our COVID-19 coverage.

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