February is American Heart Month, and Hadassah is doing its part to raise awareness and boost better health when it comes to this #1 killer of women and men. Read about Hadassah's resources to help you integrate heart-healthy habits into your lifestyle, this month and all year long.
Please note that the next Hadassah@home email will be on Wednesday, March 8.

A program for heart health: "Hadassah ❤ YOU: Building Healthy Habits Together," featuring medical, cooking, exercise tips and more. Come together with the Hadassah community nationwide to share ideas, inspirations, secrets and successes to living a heart-smart lifestyle. You will hear from experts and friends and leave with new heart-centered tools for 2023. Tuesday, February 28, 8 pm ET.

One Book, One Hadassah:Live with Gabrielle Zevin, author of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Named Amazon's top book of 2022, this New York Timesbest-selling novel centers around the 30-year relationship between a Jewish woman from Los Angeles and her Jewish Korean childhood friend as they develop a successful video game company. Thursday, February 16, 7 pm ET.

Hadassah Magazine Discussion:Jewish Women of Color in their Own Words.Executive Editor Lisa Hostein moderates a discussion exploring issues of identity and belonging that have motivated a growing number of Jewish women of color to write about their experiences. The program will include Samira K. Mehta, a professor of women and gender studies as well as Jewish studies at the University of Colorado Boulder and author of the recently published The Racism of People Who Love You; Emily Bowen Cohen, a Jewish Native-American and author of the upcoming graphic novel for children, Two Tribes; and others. Thursday, March 16, 7 pm ET.

Learn from the experts: Join us for North American Jewry: What Is Our Future?, an interactive discussion with a panel of distinguished rabbis: Steven C. Wernick, senior rabbi of Beth Tzedec Congregation in Toronto; Joy Levitt, the director of J-Lab; and Serena Eisenberg, the Northern California director of AJC. Sunday, March 5, 7 pm ET.

Welcome the 118th Congress: Building relationships with legislators on both sides of the aisle is essential to advancing Hadassah's core values, including strengthening the US-Israel relationship, advancing women's and public health and combatting antisemitism. Join Hadassah in welcoming the 118th Congress.

Hadassah Loves Educators: Inaugural Celebration of Our New Educators Council
Hebrew@Hadassah 2023: Are you ready to learn Hebrew? These 45-minute sessions are a wonderful opportunity for Hadassah members and Associates to learn Hebrew vocabulary and conversation skills. Register for the following classes: New Beginners on Mondays at 2 pm ET, Beginners on Mondays at 3 pm ET and Intermediate on Mondays at 4 pm. Classes are $50 per semester. Questions? Email ZionistEd@hadassah.org.
For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Virtual Programming page. Follow our current Hadassah stories.