Awareness, advocacy, programming and more for American Heart Month

February 9, 2022

Awareness, advocacy, programming and more for American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the US, but there's good news. Prevention and knowledge can save lives. Hadassah members around the country are raising awareness and educating their friends, families and communities, empowering women everywhere to take charge of their heart health.

Educate yourself about the risks with this episode of our Hadassah On Call podcast,  Breakthroughs, Risks and Warning Signs: An Insider's Tips for a Healthy Heart. And advocate with Hadassah in support of a bipartisan resolution on women's cardiovascular health. Then, read below about an important upcoming program.

Healing Hearts, Saving Lives: Empowering Strategies for Women

A program for heart health: Healing Hearts, Saving Lives: Empowering Strategies for Women. Dr. Stacey Rosen, a cardiologist and the American Heart Association's 2021 Physician of the Year, provides the latest information about factors that impact women's heart health at each stage of life. You'll also hear dramatic personal stories from Hadassah members; get tools you need to take charge of your own health; and help save lives by learning how to advocate for policy change. Monday, February 28, 7:30 pm ET.

Hear from top Jewish journalists

Hear from top Jewish journalists:Hadassah Magazine Executive Editor Lisa Hostein joins other leading journalists for Telling the Jewish Story in 2022, an examination of current trends in Jewish media presented by the Jewish Future Pledge. Tomorrow, February 10, 12 pm ET.

New One Book, One Hadassah

New One Book, One Hadassah:Live with Rachel Sharona Lewis and The Rabbi Who Prayed With Fire. Set in Providence, RI, Lewis’s debut novel, an homage to the Rabbi Small mysteries by Harry Kemelman, introduces readers to a compelling new character in the clerical-sleuth genre: Vivian Green. The young, queer assistant rabbi at Congregation Beth Abraham, a Conservative congregation, investigates the strange happenings at her synagogue as she wrestles with Jewish tradition, contemporary issues — from antisemitism to racism to intergenerational conflicts — and local politics. Thursday, February 17, 7 pm ET.


The Road Beyond Roe: Advocating For Reproductive Rights

The Road Beyond Roe: Advocating For Reproductive Rights.

SAVE THE DATE (details to come in future emails):

  • Hadassah Magazine Discussion: 50 Years of Female Rabbis with the "Four Firsts," the women who were the first to be ordained in each of the streams of Judaism: Rabbis Sally Priesand, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Amy Eilberg and Sara Hurwitz. Thursday, March 10, 7 pm ET.
  • Faces and Flavors of Judaism: Cooking, Culture and How Food Connects Us, a new Evolve: The Next Generation signature event. Tuesday, March 29, 7 pm ET.

For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Virtual Programming page. Follow our COVID-19 coverage.

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