Showing our resilience and creativity in times of adversity

February 23, 2022

Showing our resilience and creativity in times of adversity

Last week, more than 250 of Hadassah's top leaders gathered for presentations on the organization's inspiring successes of the last year — and plans to advance Hadassah's mission in the coming year.

"Much of the substance we have to talk about," said National President Rhoda Smolow, "revolves around the imagination, resilience and creativity that grows out of adversity ... This is the power of Hadassah, the power of women who DO: forging ahead, creating solutions in the midst of a crisis, always thinking about how to make things better."

It was this spirit of creativity in the face of adversity that led to the start of Hadassah@home in the earliest days of the pandemic — a spirit that is alive and well in the outstanding virtual programs and offerings we bring you in each issue, including those below.

Hadassah Magazine Discussion: Celebrating 50 Years of Female Rabbis - Thursday, March 10 at 7 pm ET

A major milestone: Join us for a remarkable Hadassah Magazine Discussion: Celebrating 50 Years of Female Rabbis. Executive Editor Lisa Hostein moderates this panel featuring the "four firsts" ordained in their respective denominations: Rabbis Sally Priesand, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Amy Eilberg and Sara Hurwitz. Thursday, March 10, 7 pm ET.

Healing Hearts, Saving Lives

A program for heart health:Healing Hearts, Saving Lives: Empowering Strategies for Women. Dr. Stacey Rosen, a cardiologist and the American Heart Association's 2021 Physician of the Year, updates us on factors that impact women's heart health at every age. You'll also hear dramatic personal stories from Hadassah members; get the tools you need to take charge of your own health; and learn how to advocate for policy change. Take action now by urging your respresentatives to cosponsor this important bipartisan resolution. Monday, February 28, 7:30 pm ET.

Celebrate Shabbat Zachor

Celebrate Shabbat Zachor: Bring Shabbat Zachor (March 11-12) to your local synagogue. Email or use this form to register your synagogue for Hadassah Shabbat Zachor. You can connect this occasion to a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first US Bat Mitzvah that also involves your synagogue. Share your pride with your community during this special 110th Hadassah anniversary year.

You, Me & PTSD

Listen and learn: New Hadassah On Call episode: You, Me & PTSD. While post-traumatic stress disorder didn't become an official diagnosis until 1980, it's something that has existed long before that, caused by everything from accidents to COVID-19. Listen as Hadassah Medical Organization experts Prof. Omer Bonne, head of the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Inbal Reuveni, MD, director of the Women’s Integrated Mental Health Service, and Dr. Shlomo Rahmani Zwi-Ran, head of the psychiatric ward at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, discuss the complexities of diagnosing and treating PTSD.

Share your stories

Share your stories: Join the Hadassah Writers' Circle and write essays for the Hadassah website and various media outlets. We will guide you through the writing process and help you prepare first-person pieces about topics of your choosing, such as our hospitals and medical care, our advocacy, what it means to be part of Hadassah, Shabbat, the holidays or experiences close to your heart. Now seeking stories about Henrietta Szold and/or women's empowerment, Queen Esther/Purim, Passover and Yom HaShoah. Contact

Take action against antisemitism

Take action against antisemitism:Learn more about Antisemitism Monitor and watch a special message from the editor Ira Forman, former Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism.


What Zionism Means to Me: Young Women Share Their Truths

What Zionism Means to Me: Young Women Share Their Truths, the first in our new series, "Evolving Zionism: A Safe Space for Candid Conversation."

SAVE THE DATE (details to come in future emails):

For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Virtual Programming page. Follow our COVID-19 coverage.

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