Moving, making connections and having fun. Engaging with Hadassah from home.

June 15, 2022

Moving, making connections and having fun. Engaging with Hadassah from home.

Fostering good health, particularly for women, is a Hadassah cornerstone. Even during the pandemic, we've advanced women's health through our Every Move Counts program. Participants using our virtual activity tracker have walked solo or in groups, as well as swimming, hiking, doing chair exercises and much more, converting all kinds of movements into steps, allowing participation anywhere. They've virtually crossed the US, from the RBG statue in Brooklyn to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, moving the equivalent of 42.7 million total steps — or 7.2 trips across North America! They are getting healthy, right at home.

Find more ways to engage with Hadassah from home in the listings below.

Every Move Counts - Round 2: Hadassah Moves Across Israel

Every Move Counts Round 2: Hadassah members and their family and friends have been getting healthy and making connections in the first round of Every Move Counts. Round 2: Hadassah Moves Across Israel is starting soon with a new Israel adventure map and new fundraising opportunities. Sign up here or be one of the first to sponsor a milestone in Israel along the path. Launches June 27.

Hadassah Magazine Discussion: Live with Julia Haart of My Unorthodox Life

Hadassah Magazine Discussion:Live with Julia Haart of My Unorthodox Life. Executive Editor Lisa Hostein interviews Julia Haart, Netflix reality TV star and author of the new memoir Brazen: My Unorthodox Journey from Long Sleeves to Lingerie. Haart opens up about her struggle to survive in an ultra-Orthodox world and the "escape" she made from that life in order to expand opportunities not just for her, but also for her daughters. Thursday, July 14, 7 pm ET.

US support for Israel:

US support for Israel: The first report issued by the UN's unending, unprecedented Commission of Inquiry shows that its only goal is to unfairly single out and demonize Israel. Hadassah continues to fight these efforts to discredit Israel on the global stage through support of the COI Elimination Act, H.R. 7223. This bipartisan bill will make it clear that the US stands with Israel and cuts the US share of the COI budget. Urge your legislators to support the COI Elimination Act.

Hadassah On Call: Diabetes: A Word, Not a Sentence

Listen and learn:Our new episode of the Hadassah On Call podcast is available: "Diabetes: A Word, Not a Sentence." Can diabetes be reversed? Could having COVID-19 increase my risk? Is it really in my DNA? We're talking types, triggers and tools in managing diabetes in our latest episode with Prof. Avivit Cahn, MD, endocrinologist and attending physician at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem.

Hadassah On Call: The Future Is Now: Precision Medicine, Stem Cells and More

Hebrew@Hadassah 2022: The second semester of our weekly classes runs July 11 - December 19, a continuation of our existing classes that new students are welcome to join. These 45-minute sessions are a wonderful opportunity for Hadassah members and Associates to practice Hebrew vocabulary and conversation skills and prepare for the upcoming 100th National Convention in Israel. Classes are $36 per semester. Mondays: Beginner (3 pm ET) or Intermediate (4 pm ET). For those not ready for the other two classes, try the 45-minute New Beginners Class starting September 12 on Mondays at 2 pm ET. Cost is $25 per semester. Questions? Email


Sneak Peak at Hadassah's 100th National Convention

VIDEO: Kvell Together with this Sneak Peek at Hadassah's 100th National Convention in Israel

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