Hurricane Irma: How You Can Help

September 8, 2017

Hurricane Irma: How You Can Help

When disaster looms, we're reminded of our most basic, most essential human needs — water, food, shelter, safety — as we remember the Jewish principle pikuach nefesh, which puts saving a life above all else, even observing the Sabbath.

Today, we are watching Hurricane Irma with horror. Far too many families are in emergency mode, praying that this storm will take no more lives. Our prayers are with all in its path from Antigua & Barbuda, Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico and along the Southeastern US coast.

Many are evacuating, relocating loved ones, helping neighbors, and volunteering at shelters. Among them are the 50,000 Hadassah members who live in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Puerto Rico.

Please, keep those caught in Irma's path in your prayers. Please join Hadassah in doing its part to alleviate Hurricane Irma's and Hurricane Harvey's devastation by helping the organizations listed below that have effective disaster response mechanisms in place:

The following organizations are currently focused on Hurricane Harvey relief. Please check back for updates on Hurricane Irma:

During difficult times, it is heartening that so many of you responded to help when Hurricane Harvey landed. "Knowing that the women of Hadassah are there for us and will help us to be able to rebuild is what the Jewish people is all about," wrote Hadassah Life Member Suzanne Jacobson, sister of Barbara Raben, President of Hadassah Desert-Mountain. "It is not easy to go from being the funders to being the recipients, but unfortunately life can change in a split second."

Thank you.

Shabbat Shalom,

Ellen Hershkin
Hadassah National President

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