In praise of civility -- an essential Jewish value.

November 4, 2020

In praise of civility -- an essential Jewish value.

"Great in influence, great in dissent, RBG did more than anyone to root women's equality and emancipation in the Constitution…[and] there is something every American can take from her legacy. She was the embodiment of civility."

Hadassah National President Rhoda Smolow writes about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy and extols the importance of civility, which she describes as a central Jewish value, in a powerful article for The Times of Israel. Last week, our community came together for a deeply moving online celebration of RBG and her cherished relationship with Hadassah. If you missed it, we invite you to watch it here.

See this week's listings for more outstanding programs celebrating extraordinary women.

Hadassah Celebrates RBG: One of Our Own

Celebrate extraordinary Jewish women: Hear Janice Kaplan, New York Times bestselling author and the former editor-in-chief of Parade magazine, discuss her new book The Genius of Women in which she explores why so many incredible women in history have gone unacknowledged, with special attention on the contributions of great Jewish women. Tuesday, November 10, 8 pm ET.

The Branch: Common Ground

Candid conversation:What We Will Become: A Discussion on Transgender Youth features Lisa Hostein, Executive Editor of Hadassah Magazine, in conversation with transgender rights activist Mimi Lemay, author of What We Will Become: A Mother, A Son and A Journey of Transformation, and Dr. Norman Spack, a noted pediatric endocrinologist who pioneered medical treatment of transgender teens. Presented by Hadassah's Professional Councils. Monday, November 16, 8 pm ET.

Talking Jewish genealogy

Talking Jewish genealogy: The Hadassah Magazine Discussion Group presents How Genealogy Became the Great Jewish Pastime, about the latest in genealogy technology, family roots research and potentially unsettling DNA discoveries. Speakers include: Dani Shapiro, author of Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love; Jennifer Mendelsohn, a leading genealogist/journalist who assisted with Shapiro's research; and Libby Copeland, author of The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are. Wednesday, November 18, 8 pm ET.

Tel Aviv graffiti talk:

Tel Aviv graffiti talk: Even though it's difficult to go on a tour of Tel Aviv in person right now, you can still enjoy the city's scenery. Take a virtual trip to Tel Aviv and join Elinoy Kisslove, Tel Aviv-based graffiti artist and activist, for an illustrated talk about the vibrant street art scene in Tel Aviv, Israel. Part of Access Israel: Hadassah's monthly online Zionist series. Thursday, November 19, 3 pm ET.

  • Hear from courageous young women:Jewish students today are targeted not only with classical antisemitism but also with new forms of anti-Jewish hatred attacking their relationship with Israel. In Antisemitism on Campus: Two Women’s Struggle to Protect Jewish Students Nationwide you'll hear directly from two extraordinary women — one an accomplished attorney, the other a student activist — about bringing their fights against campus antisemitism to the highest levels of the US government. Monday, November 23, 8 pm ET.
Breast Cancer: Early Detection, Higher Risks and the Effect of COVID-19

Podcast alert: Now available, a new Hadassah On Call episode, "Breast Cancer: Early Detection, Higher Risks and the Effect of COVID-19". Hear two of Hadassah's top specialists discuss new treatments, risk factors and the effect of the second COVID-19 outbreak on breast cancer patients.

Let Loose with Luisa: High Intensity Interval Training

Get fit at home: Our popular exercise series with Hadassah's own Luisa Narins continues with a more challenging class,  Let Loose with Luisa: High Intensity Interval Training. Wednesday, November 11, 7 pm ET.

Cooking with Hadassah Magazine

Cooking with Hadassah Magazine: Tahini becomes downright transformative in this delectable tahini sheet cake from Eden Grinshpan, host of Top Chef Canada. And what's for dinner? Grinshpan's Persian-style sumac-roasted snapper with lime yogurt.


Zionist Women of Color

Zionist Women of Color, part of our monthly Access Israel series
, broadcast on JBS TV, a nonprofit, free Jewish educational and cultural television network.


Conversational Hebrew: Mondays; Beginner's Level, at 3 pm ET, and Intermediate Level, at 4 pm ET.

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Tuesdays at 4 pm ET.

For past programs see our last Hadassah@home email or our Member Engagement page.

Follow our  COVID-19 coverage.

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