Israel's Nursing Shortage: How You Can Help

September 27, 2021

Israel's Nursing Shortage: How You Can Help

Israel is facing a critical nursing shortage. At Hadassah, we know nurses are an integral part of quality care — especially as frontline workers continue to battle COVID-19. That’s why Hadassah’s hospitals are answering the Israeli Ministry of Health’s call to increase its capacity at the Henrietta Szold Hadassah Hebrew University School of Nursing by 25 percent.

In order to accommodate a larger class of nurses, Hadassah is upgrading the nursing school’s Jean Goldwurm Auditorium into a modern, high-tech learning center, one that is wheelchair-accessible. The goal? To raise enough funds to complete the renovation for this fall's new, larger class of nurses in October 2021.

"The new learning center will increase classroom space to give more nurses the best education possible — improving their skills and strengthening them to face all the stresses and challenges posed by their demanding jobs," says Dr. Rely Alon, Hadassah’s Director of the Division of Nursing and Health, who during a recent webinar with Hadassah members, spoke of the key role Hadassah's nursing program will play in combating Israel’s nursing shortage.

“Israel needs at least 1,000 additional nurses over the next ten years if it is to meet the health needs” of its skyrocketing population, according to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report cited in The Australian Jewish News.

Nursing is an integral part of Hadassah’s history. We pioneered nursing education in Israel from 1918, and our nurses are at the cutting edge of the field today. You can help advance this legacy — and the vision of our founder Henrietta Szold — to support Hadassah nurses and ensure compassionate, cutting-edge health care for the people of Israel.

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Learn more about Hadassah's Building Israel's Future Nurses Campaign.

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