It's Shavuot! Time to celebrate and learn athome.

May 27, 2020

It's Shavuot! Time to celebrate and learn athome.

Shavuot comes later this week, and it's an excellent reminder how, as Jews, we have a long history of making space to celebrate even amid troubling times. Shavuot is also known as a time for intense study, and this week's Hadassah@home brings you several opportunities to learn and to celebrate all from the comfort of home.

TODAY! Shavuot learning: Attend a one-hour "Mini Shavuot Tikkun" moderated by Hadassah Executive Director/CEO Janice Weinman, including a talk on Hadassah and Israel with David Lehrer, a Young Judaea alumnus and the executive director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies; a healthy cooking demonstration with Hadassah member Julie Ohana; and a text study on the Book of Ruth with Dr. Ora Horn Prouser. May 27, 12:00 pm EDT.

Wave your Israeli flag: Mark your calendars! The 2020 Celebrate Israel Parade is going virtual, so you can join us #TogetherAtHome as we share our Israeli pride. This year's theme has special resonance for Hadassah, a proud sponsor: it's todah (thank you) to frontline and healthcare workers in the US, Israel and everywhere. View on the parade's website, YouTube channel, and via the Parade's Facebook page.

For Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month (June), here is a fun, cutting-edge
brain fitness program — low impact and designed to increase cognitive functioning. Anyone can do it and yield benefits. Taught by Hadassah member and certified Ageless Grace Instructor Randi Cohen Coblenz. Three 30-minute sessions: June 10, 17, 24, 12:00 pm EDT.

Hadassah Magazine recipes: In late spring, Hadassah Magazine's Jessica Halfin often serves quiche—with either a spinach or sautéed leek and zucchini filling—for an easy yet elegant lunch option.

In case you missed it: You can still watch these recent past programs.

Ongoing weekly series:

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Tuesdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Thursdays at 1:30 pm EDT. (Register separately.) Please note, there is no session on Thursday, May 28, due to the Shavuot holiday. 

Conversational Hebrew: Mondays, Beginner Level, at 3:00 pm EDT, and Intermediate Level, at 4:00 pm EDT. Homework review sessions available beginning June 4, Thursdays, 4:00 pm EDT.

For past programs see last week's Hadassah@home email or the Member Engagement page on

Follow our online COVID-19 coverage.

NOTE: Many online events will ask for your Hadassah ID number to register.

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