Judy Shereck: My Visit to the Gaza Envelope

May 29, 2024

Judy Shereck: My Visit to the Gaza Envelope

“Every trip to Israel is emotional for me, but this one, post-October 7, was especially so,” writes Judy Shereck, Hadassah’s Zionist advocacy chair, in a blog post for the Times of Israel about her recent visit to Israel as a Hadassah representative to the Jewish Agency and World Zionist Organization meetings.

“Typically, during Jewish Agency meetings, there are site visits to organizations supported by the Jewish Agency,” Shereck writes. “This time, our visit was to the Gaza Envelope.”

She talks about what it was like to visit Kibbutz Nir Oz, the Nova music festival site and the town of Ofakim and hear from survivors and the families of hostages.

“Hadassah will not forget and will not let others forget what happened on October 7 — especially the sexual violence perpetrated against the women that day, the violence that continues to be perpetrated against the women who remain hostages,” Shereck writes. “Hadassah’s #EndTheSilence campaign is speaking out for those who can no longer speak for themselves.”

Read the full blog post in the Times of Israel.

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