Marathon Runner Pays Tribute to Hadassah Medical Team

March 22, 2017

Marathon Runner Pays Tribute to Hadassah Medical Team

After successfully running in the 2017 Jerusalem Marathon, Gil Troy pays tribute to Prof. Meir Liebergall, Director of the Hadassah Medical Organization’s Orthopedic Surgery Department, and his medical team, who made this run possible.

Below is his letter of appreciation:

Dear Dr. Liebergall,

Five years ago, I ran the half marathon and collapsed just meters before the finish line. Everyone thought it was a muscle cramp, but two days later, we discovered a broken femur--as you put it, "not a stress fracture, a fracture, fracture."  Emergency surgery at Hadassah Mount Scopus followed; then, in September 2013, follow-up surgery at the new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower across town.

Thanks to you, the amazing staff at Hadassah, the pre-op doctor who gave what we call a “FOG” (Fear of God) speech, warning that my weight and blood pressure were too high, and the angels of Hadassah who founded and sustain these amazing institutions, today I am 40 pounds lighter (I count in pounds because it's 2.2 as much) and ran the 21k (I count in kilometers because it's 1.6 as much). 

I joke that it took me 5 years, 2 hours, and 12 minutes to complete the half marathon--and I couldn't have done it without your skill--and all those who help you do what you do. Todah!!!

In friendship,

Gil Troy

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