Matching Tallit: Creating a Shabbat Sanctuary

March 20, 2020

Matching Tallit: Creating a Shabbat Sanctuary

Luisa Ellenbogen’s Shabbat column for Thrive Global, "MatchingTallit: Creaing a Shabbat Sanctuary," reflects on transmitting her Jewish values and the beauty and history of Jewish tradition to her two daughters, most visibly through their wearing of their Women of The Wall tallit. Luisa is Past President of Hadassah Chicago-North Shore and is currently Momentum Alumni Engagement Co-Chair.

In her column, Luisa describes how her Judaism has always anchored her and has provided the foundation of family life. When she and her daughters wear their matching tallitot, it creates a Shabbat sanctuary for them.

This article is part of Hadassah’s series on Shabbat: A Day of Rest on Thrive Global, the media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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