Though his mother-in-law made him a Hadassah Associate in 1984, Alan Lipschultz didn’t do anything as an Associate for many years.
There were no Associate activities, and rarely did anyone even mention Hadassah Associates, he said. He did, however, hear a lot about Hadassah from his wife, Dina, a long-time Hadassah volunteer who is currently the resource chair for Hadassah Midwest.
Alan’s understanding of Hadassah really changed in 2012 when he and Dina visited Hadassah hospitals and Youth Aliyah villages in Israel as part of the Hadassah Centennial Convention. He later attended several Hadassah conferences with Dina, including Hadassah's 100th National Convention in Jerusalem in 2022.
Dina and Alan have always made joint decisions about philanthropic giving. “Through these trips and conferences, I really understood why Dina was so passionate and enthusiastic about Hadassah,” said Alan, a resident of North Bethesda, Maryland, father of three and grandfather of five. “My deeper understanding of the work of Hadassah led to greater support for the organization, both financially and timewise.”
At the 2022 convention, Alan was approached about becoming the Associates’ next leader. He joined the Associates Executive Committee in 2023, and began his two-year term as president in July 2024.
Alan persuaded the Associates Executive Board to write a mission statement, stating that the mission of the Associates is to support the mission and vision of Hadassah. The board also agreed that all Associate fundraising activities would be in sync with HWZOA.
“Historically, the Associates had picked their own fundraising projects independently from HWZOA,” Alan said. “In order to increase cooperation and communication with HWZOA, I am recruiting individual liaisons –– male and/or female –– for each Hadassah region and for larger, more active chapters.”
“When I assumed the Associates presidency, I found that many regions did not have any active Associate groups,” he added. “Many of the Hadassah programs, events and friendships occur at the chapter and regional level, which is why it is important to have a local Associates presence.”
Alan is a Silver Associates Keeper of the Gate, and Dina is a Golden Keeper. “My motivation to become an Associates Keeper is knowing that Israel needs a lot of help going forward, and Hadassah is really the mainstay support for well-known, advanced hospitals in Jerusalem,” he said. “At the Neurim and Meir Shfeyah Youth Aliyah villages, I could see how Hadassah is providing a chance to become very productive citizens of Israel to youths who come from a variety of different backgrounds and troubled homes.”
Alan spent his entire career in healthcare technology, first in Waterbury, Connecticut, and then Wilmington, Delaware, “I could appreciate my visits to Hadassah hospitals with a different viewpoint than an ordinary visitor,” he said, referencing behind-the-scenes tours and meetings with Israeli counterparts at Hadassah Ein Kerem.
Alan semi-retired in 2011 and now runs his own consulting business, serving as an expert witness in legal cases around the country. He is also an avid bridge player, and has prioritized fitness and health since the pandemic.
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