Music Therapy in the Atrium

June 2, 2017

Music Therapy in the Atrium

In the atrium of Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem’s Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower sits a piano, awaiting the approach of a pianist, professional or amateur, to fill the space with music and provide “music therapy” for staff and patients alike.

One recent morning, Dr. Raed Ayyad, a dentist from Bethlehem became that pianist. Faced with several challenging periodontal cases, he had approached Hadassah’s periodontal department for help. Subsequently, he began coming to Hadassah weekly to observe and volunteer. Having begun three years ago to fulfill his dream of learning to play the piano, he takes a turn playing in the atrium whenever he can.

Listen to Dr. Ayyad as he fills Hadassah’s atrium with music.

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