NanoKnife® Technology to Treat Prostate Cancer Comes to Hadassah

September 20, 2018

NanoKnife® Technology to Treat Prostate Cancer Comes to Hadassah

NanoKnife® technology, the most innovative method for treatment of localized prostate cancer, is now being applied at the Hadassah Medical Organization, making Hadassah the first in Israel to treat prostate cancer in this minimally invasive way. 

Hadassah senior urologic surgeon Dr. Ilan Gielchinsky studied this technology in Australia. Over the past six months, Hadassah has incorporated into its diagnostics the precise mapping of a person’s prostate through the use of MRI conjugated biopsy. This enables physicians to identify some patients who have a single, focal point of prostate cancer. Then, using the NanoKnife® technology, physicians are able to zero in on the focal point and save the patient from a prostatectomy and the typical side effects of cancer treatment. In addition, the patient can go home from the hospital on the same day he has the procedure. 

Unlike other treatments that freeze or boil the tissue and can damage the urethra, rectum, and the nerve fibers affecting sexual function, NanoKnife® technology surrounds the tumor with electrodes. These electrodes transmit electrical pulses at a high frequency and trigger microscopic holes in the tumor, which then cause the tumor to die through the process of cell death.

Hadassah is proud to join leading centers around the world that have added NanoKnife® Technology to their treatment options, including University College Hospital in London, Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York, and other prestigious medical centers in Holland and Germany.

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