New Hadassah Journeys: Evolve Leadership Fellows Cohort Three Kicks Off

September 24, 2024

New Hadassah Journeys: Evolve Leadership Fellows Cohort Three Kicks Off

For most young women, a three-day trip to New York City does not include a tour of the Hadassah archives at the Center for Jewish History. But for nine Evolve Leadership Fellows, it was a welcomed highlight of their visit.

The diverse group of women (ages 30 to 45) from around the country — even Hawaii — attended their orientation, taking a bite out of the Big Apple and a significant step forward on the path to becoming professional and community leaders.

They comprise the third cohort of the Evolve Leadership Fellows program, a two-year leadership engagement initiative that provides women 45 and under with specialized opportunities to grow and learn, including travel to Israel for an immersive Hadassah experience, monthly virtual learning sessions, meetings with national leaders and the opportunity to take on a leadership role in her Hadassah community. It is a program of Evolve Hadassah: The Next Generation, a vehicle to successfully drive Hadassah into the future by engaging the next generation of Hadassah members and leaders.

“Our Fellows represent the heart and future of Hadassah,” said Randi Richmond, director of Evolve Hadassah: The Next Generation. “Each one brings unique passion, leadership and commitment to their communities, helping us drive forward Hadassah’s mission in ways that are both innovative and impactful.”

“Their contributions not only strengthen our existing communities but also pave the way for future growth and engagement,” she added.

“It's amazing how each cohort really has its own personality, and this new one is no different,” said Evolve Chair Debbie Knight, whose Hadassah journey began when she was a new mom looking for community and connection. “They are extremely diverse and quite feisty; not one of them is afraid to speak up. They are also ready to dive in and get involved, and I am so proud of their commitment and passion.”

At Hadassah headquarters in lower Manhattan, the young women engaged in icebreakers to get to know their fellow Fellows, virtually met with Hadassah National President Carol Ann Schwartz and immediate past National President Rhoda Smolow and participated in workshops to prepare them for what’s ahead over the next couple of years. And they learned about Hadassah’s rich history at the archives, the third-largest collection at the historical society.

“I’m such a library nerd!” said Tory Roman, 44, from Piedmont, CA. “Our visit to the Hadassah Archive at the American Jewish Historical Society was a literal dream come true.”  

When Roman visited Meir Shfeyah Youth Aliyah Village as part of her Momentum partnership trip with Hadassah in 2019, she was “completely unprepared for the level of inspiration and emotion that would hit.” It was at that “lifechanging moment” — seeing that there’s still a place for at-risk Jewish youth to thrive — that Roman, who converted to Judaism, was inspired to get more involved with Hadassah. Her foray into Evolve was during the pandemic when she started a virtual Hadassah group to bring young women together and inspire them to give.

Now, as an Evolve Leadership Fellow, Roman says, “I’m so excited to be in community with these fabulous younger women leaders and help innovate the next generation of Hadassah.” She describes these women as passionate, and while from different upbringings and histories they come together to champion a cause.

Though Israeli-born, Kerren Roth of Framingham, MA, age 37, also found inspiration in a Hadassah trip to Israel. The third-generation life member joined a Hadassah Solidarity Mission to Israel in January 2024. “Although the trip was very emotional post-October 7, it was also an eye-opening trip into the difference Hadassah makes for Israel,” Roth said.

Roth was encouraged to join Evolve by the Hadassah women she met on the mission. After learning about Evolve Leadership Fellows, she said, “I thought this was a great opportunity to really get more involved but also have this guide me through how I could potentially be and give my best to the organization.”

And for Roth, giving her best to the organization started by learning all she could about it. Her Hadassah education was the standout for her at orientation. “Learning about how Hadassah has developed over 100+ years and where it's going helped me identify the areas in which I felt I could contribute in the future.”

Abby Michaelson’s ties to Hadassah run generations deep. The 32-year-old from Newport Beach, CA, learned all about the medical community in Israel from her grandfather, a retired doctor who used to sub for doctors at Hadassah hospitals while they served on reserve military  duty. Supporting groundbreaking medical work and research at Hadassah hospitals is a pillar of Hadassah’s mission that resonates with her the most.

What’s more, her grandmother, who served as president of the Hadassah chapter in Orange County, CA, taught her all about Hadassah and fostered her love of our Jewish culture, heritage and Israel. It was she who inspired Michaelson to become a Fellow.

Through the program, Michaelson seeks to develop a strong community of fellow Zionist women in her local area and across the country. She also “hopes to learn more about effective ways to advocate for Israel and the Jewish community in the US and around the world. I also hope to plan some amazing events and fundraisers for Hadassah to help introduce a younger crowd to the organization and its incredible mission.”

Evolve Fellows and members of Evolve in general are a key driver of Hadassh’s development.

“Evolve has seen remarkable growth in recent years, expanding our reach and impact nationwide,” said Richmond. “Evolve is working to change the face of Hadassah, honoring our past, yet moving forward into the future with new communities springing up across the US and a growing number of engaged leaders and donors driving our mission forward.”

“Evolve is having an impact across the organization by meeting women where they are and by providing new and exciting opportunities for learning and building community and connection to Israel,” said Knight.

For Roman, Roth and Michaelson, the Evolve Leadership Fellows is a springboard into a bright, involved future with Hadassah.

“I believe there is so much potential for me to learn and grow with Hadassah,” said Michaelson. “I hope to continue to be involved and have leadership roles in the future and to use the skills that I've gained from running my own business and from planning events to help bring Hadassah into the future.”

Roth said, “I see myself growing more confident in myself and my religion. I see my Hadassah journey taking me beyond this Fellows program and throughout my lifetime, where I can continue to make a difference. I also see myself gaining lifelong friendships with some amazing women,” Roth continued.

Roman recalled how, during orientation, Schwartz and Smolow told of how it was implied that they would take their Hadassah journeys all the way to the top.  

“So why not me?” Roman said.

Read More

Two Women, One Dynamic Program, a World of Great Opportunities

Evolve Leadership Fellows Welcomes Second Cohort

Evolve Leadership Fellows: What Hadassah Means to Me

Meet the Extraordinary Evolve Fellows, Hadassah's Future Leaders

Learn more about Evolve Hadassah: The Next Generation.

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