Nothing can stop our passionate community. Let's keep going strong.

July 29, 2020

Nothing can stop our passionate community. Let's keep going strong.

One important thing hasn’t changed since lockdown: our strong community is still as engaged and connected as ever. Nothing Can Stop Us was a fitting theme for Hadassah’s first-ever virtually held July 2020 National Meetings since more than 750 people attended the online meetings and presentations. Even from home, it’s clear that nothing can stop our passionate community.

So, let’s keep going strong — activate your mind, body and soul with our new Hadassah@home. Hear about the experiences of some extraordinary Jewish women. Sit in on a chat with a brilliant, beloved author. Give yoga a try, or cook something new. There are so many incredible ways to expand your horizons and join in, this week and every week.

An insider’s view: For the first time, we're sharing extensive recordings from our July 2020 National Meetings. On this updated page, you'll find presentations from our leaders on all things Hadassah — from Associates to Zionism, program updates to new initiatives, and more.

Tour a museum from home: This online interactive tour of the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot includes the museum's collection of global synagogue models. It's a perfect way to observe Tisha B'Av, when we commemorate the destruction of the Temple and deepen our connections as Diaspora Zionists. July 30, 3:00 pm EDT.

Thought-provoking panel discussion: "American Zionist Women of Color" explores challenges of multiple identities in an American world that too often asks us to set aside one of our identities, with Rabbi Sandra Lawson, named as 1 of 10 Jews to watch on Snapchat by JTA; Tema Smith, an activist committed to building inclusive Jewish communities; Michele Norris, a chapter president from Hadassah Florida featured in the Jewish Press of Pinellas County for her work on racial justice; and Sabrina Kerbel, a leader from Hadassah Southern California. August 6, 6:00 pm EDT.

Get reading: "One Book, One Hadassah" presents The Book of V. Live Event. The next selection for our new national book club, "One Book, One Hadassah," is The Book of V. The event will feature a live interview with Anna Solomon, who also authored the acclaimed novel Leaving Lucy Pear, in conversation with Hadassah Magazine's Executive Editor Lisa Hostein. With rave reviews and lauded as one of the most-anticipated books of 2020, The Book of V. interweaves the stories of three women from different centuries, illuminating how motherhood, desire, power and femininity have changed and also remained the same through the years. August 20, 7:00 pm EDT.

Get cooking with Hadassah Magazine: Israeli salad gets a za'atar and feta cheese upgrade in Jessica Halfin's levantine fattoush salad — perfect for hot summer days.

Watch the latest
"Votes for Women: Jews and the Suffrage Movement."

Ongoing weekly series:

Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca: Tuesdays at 4:00 pm EDT.

For past programs see last week's Hadassah@home email or the Member Engagement page on

Follow our online COVID-19 coverage.

NOTE: Many online events will ask for your Hadassah ID number to register.

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