One Book, One Hadassah Interview with R.L. Maizes, author of Other People's Pets

October 27, 2020

One Book, One Hadassah Interview with R.L. Maizes, author of Other People's Pets

Hadassah's new national book club, "One Book, One Hadassah," presented a live interview with author R.L. Maizes about her acclaimed debut novel, Other People's Pets. With humor and heart, the novel looks at relationships, choice and obligation through the lens of its unique protagonist, La La Fine, a Jewish would-be veterinarian and accomplished burglar. Other People’s Pets explores deeply human and Jewish themes: What makes up family? How can one heal from trauma? And what do children owe their parents and what do parents teach their children? In candid conversation with Hadassah Magazine Executive Editor Lisa Hostein, Maizes discussed how Judaism informs her writing, how she came to focus on her quirky burglar and animal empath central characters, her cherished dogs, and much more. Watch the whole interview here.

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