Our Members in Action: Taking a Stand for Holocaust Education

August 5, 2020

Our Members in Action: Taking a Stand for Holocaust Education

Suzanne Lowe, a Hadassah member since 1997, and Diane Brody, a third-generation Hadassah member, are making headlines. The Jewish News recently praised Lowe and Brody as “the toast of Hadassah Greater Detroit” for leading their region’s efforts to secure support for the Never Again Education Act, which will provide federal funding for Holocaust awareness education in schools.

Around the country, Hadassah advocates played a key roll in the passage of the act, which was signed into law on May 29.

“It may sound cliché,” Brody told The Jewish News, “But it made me feel like one person really can make a difference.”

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Read the full Jewish News article here.
Learn more about Hadassah's successful efforts to pass the Never Again Education Act.
Take action now with the Hadassah National Action Center. 

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