April 13, 2020
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Passover During the Time of COVID-19

April 13, 2020

Passover During the Time of COVID-19

Rhoda Smolow's column "Passover During the Time of COVID-19" for Thrive Global reflects on the new meaning of the traditional Passover question "why is this night different than all others?" and how COVID-19 has changed everyone and everything.

In her column, Rhoda reminds us that good can come out of this pandemic in the same way that the 10 Plagues on the Egyptians led to Pharaoh freeing the Israelites which ultimately allowed them to journey to the Promised Land. Rhoda firmly believes that we too will come out of this pandemic with new ways to live our lives doing great things for the Jewish people and all humanity.

This column is part of Hadassah’s ongoing series of articles in Thrive Global, the new media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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