Putting a Face on Tragedy—Hadassah Employee Killed in Terrorist Attack

February 7, 2023

Putting a Face on Tragedy—Hadassah Employee Killed in Terrorist Attack

Natalie Ziskin Mizrahi had worked at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus for 20 years. She finished her Friday shift in the food department of the hospital, making sure the patients would have their Shabbat dinners before she went with her husband, Eliyahu (Eli), to his father's apartment in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood of Jerusalem to have Shabbat dinner with him.

From there, she’d go—as she did every week-—to her widowed mother’s home in Beit Shemesh so her mom wouldn’t be alone.

But the outgoing, cheerful Natalie, 46, and Eli, 48, married for only two years, heard disturbing gunshots while they were eating dinner. Eli rushed out first to offer help and was gunned down by the terrorist. Natalie ran to him and was murdered, too.

The entire Hadassah family mourns the good-hearted and brave Natalie and Eli. May their memories—and those of the other five murder victims—be for a blessing.

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