"Remembering My Infertility Journey" for June International Infertility Month

May 15, 2020

"Remembering My Infertility Journey" for June International Infertility Month

Joan Epstein’s column, “Remembering My Infertility Journey” for June International Infertility Month, recalls how her infertility journey, which began 40 years ago, helped her to advocate for women’s health. Joan was born, raised and still lives in Louisville, KY. She recently retired from the VA Hospital in Louisville where she was a mental health therapist.

In her column, Joan reflects how inspired she was by Hadassah’s reconceiving Infertility Initiative which raises awareness, destigmatizes and confronts prejudices and misconceptions on this once-taboo subject, drives policy change and empowers patients to advocate for their own health. This column is part of Hadassah’s ongoing series of articles in Thrive Global, the media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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