Seven Things You Can Do Right Now To Help

October 24, 2023

Seven Things You Can Do Right Now To Help

When Hamas attacked Israel, Hadassah jumped into action, on the ground in Israel at our hospitals and youth villages. In the US and around the world, our members, donors and leaders have helped generate support for our crisis response efforts and our beloved Israel. With such devastating news every day, we all want to help.

  1. Donate.
    Every dollar makes a difference. Give now.
  2. Advocate.
    Tell policymakers — from Congress to the State House to City Hall — you stand with Israel and condemn Hamas, and want them to, too.
    Emergency Aid for Israel | Free the Hostages | Stand With Israel
  3. Rally.
    Be a part of rallies in your community. Bring these Hadassah signs.
  4. Spread the word.
    Share our At War: Heal Israel Now stories widely, including on social.
  5. Find comfort and community.
    Join Hadassah for our two-day Inspire Zionism symposium on October 25 & October 26.  
  6. Remember self-care.
    Breathe. Make time for the people you care about. Sleep. Eat. Exercise. See if one of our wellness programs is just what you need right now.
  7. Stay informed.
    Be the first to find out about the people behind the headlines and how we're making an impact. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Threads.

However you choose to help, thank you. We're grateful that you're part of our Hadassah community.

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