Staying in? Keep your mind, body and values active with us!

March 18, 2020

Staying in? Keep your mind, body and values active with us!

We hope that you're managing as well as you can during this difficult period. Staying connected and active can be a tremendous source of comfort, especially when we're all spending so much time at home. We're pleased to let you know there are many ways you can stay connected with Hadassah during this unprecedented time.

You can access our online speakers and programs anytime — and we'll be sharing more in the weeks ahead. These virtual programs all align with Hadassah's core values that are so important to all of us: health and wellness, support of Israel, and women's empowerment.

Together, we'll keep our Hadassah connection vibrant in the coming months.


Read More: Coronavirus Updates from Israel and in Our Communities.

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