Terror Victim's Quality of Life Improved with Follow-up Surgery

February 19, 2016

Terror Victim's Quality of Life Improved with Follow-up Surgery

Mahdi Abusnneh, age 17, who was injured 11 years ago in a terror attack, was back at the Hadassah Medical Center recently for follow-up surgery.

Mahdi, now a teenager who lives on the Mount of Olives, had been left with a very bad limp, which Hadassah’s Dr. Ron Lamdan, Director of the Center for Pediatrics Orthopedics, has greatly improved.

With about 10 pieces of shrapnel piercing his abdomen and cutting his intestines, with shrapnel lodged in his thoracic vertebrae, causing his spinal cord to swell, it had been unclear whether Mahdi would survive or ever walk again. Read six-year-old Mahdi’s story, which appeared in The New York Times in August 2004.

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