The War on COVID-19 Belongs To US All - Arabs, Jews, Religious, Secular in Israel and Abroad

April 7, 2020

The War on COVID-19 Belongs To US All - Arabs, Jews, Religious, Secular in Israel and Abroad

Dr. Ahmad Naama’s column, “The War on COVID-19 Belongs To Us All – Arabs, Jews, Religious, Secular in Israel and Abroad” for Thrive Global, reflects how the team at Hadassah Medical Organization includes them all, treats them all, doesn’t distinguish between language, customs, or skullcap. Dr. Nama is Senior Emergency Room Physician at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Israel.

In his column, Dr. Naama notes that this war attacks us all - everyone – and that includes those fighting it – Arabs, Jews, religious or secular. This column is part of Hadassah’s ongoing series of articles in Thrive Global, the media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

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