The Year in Podcasts: Hadassah On Call

December 20, 2023

The Year in Podcasts: Hadassah On Call

Listen up! Hadassah wrapped up another year of our Hadassah On Call podcast, hosted by Israeli American journalist Maayan Hoffman. Here, at your fingertips, you'll find every episode from 2023. Since 2017, Hadassah has been bringing listeners the most up-to-date and compelling information about the health issues that matter to them — directly from the medical superheroes who save lives at Hadassah’s hospitals every day. Just press play to hear about everything from melanoma, Crohn’s disease and eating disorders to sperm count and even the current war in Israel.

Special Episode: Hadassah on the Ground: In Peace and War
Hadassah On Call's last episode of 2023 offers a timely update on how Hadassah is saving lives in Israel and planning for the short- and long-term rehabilitation and mental-health needs of victims affected by the Hamas massacre. Hear from Hadassah leaders how patients — civilians and soldiers, adults and children — as well as students at our Youth Aliyah villages are coping.

Special Episode: At War: Heal Israel Now, Part 3

Focusing on the power of rehabilitation, this episode describes how Hadassah is helping patients through a multidisciplinary approach that heals mind and body. It features Dr. Tamar Elram, director of Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus; Dr. Shir Ben-Yehuda, a rehab physician at the Hadassah Medical Organization; and Israel’s Minister of Economy and Industry and former mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat.

Special Episode: At War: Heal Israel Now, Parts 1 and 2
This special two-part episode details how Hadassah's hospitals have been providing critical care to soldiers, civilians and displaced families since the onset of Israel’s war with Hamas. Hear from Prof. Yoram Weiss, director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO); Estelle Rubinstein, head of social work at HMO; and Dr. Manno Saks, president of Hadassah International, among others, as well as from Michal Alon, a brave nurse injured while saving a severely wounded soldier.

Labor, Delivery & Me

At Hadassah's hospitals in Jerusalem, personalized medicine — including acupuncture, reflexology and holistic medicine — has become increasingly common, according to Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus' Elisheva Levine, head midwife at the Rady Mother and Child Center, and Dr. Lorinne Levitt, head of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit and founder and head of the Corrective Birth Experience Clinic. The two discuss how they approach childbirth for low-risk physiological deliveries and for women experiencing trauma.

Breathe Easy: All About Asthma

Dr. Joel Reiter, director of the Hadassah Sleep Center and senior pediatric pulmonologist, offers a breadth of information about the chronic lung disease asthma, including triggers such as allergies and effects such as insomnia, as well as diagnosis and treatment.

Secrets to Living Better While Growing Older

Dr. Jeremy Jacobs, chair of HMO's Geriatric and Rehabilitation Complex, helps answer the age-old question: What’s the secret to living a long life? Global studies have identified several practices that are tied to longevity. What can you do? Tune in to find out.

Gut-Wrenching: Crohn's, Colitis and More
With Crohn’s disease and colitis may come debilitating diarrhea, abdominal pain and fatigue, but not an official cause. Scientists are still trying to understand how and why people get inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but Dr. Ari Benson, senior physician at the Hadassah Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and Dr. Zev Davidovics, Hadassah senior pediatric gastroenterologist, help us understand the possible causes, newest treatments and more.

Melanoma: Latest on Cures, Causes and Vaccines

Prof. Michal Lotem, head of Hadassah's Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy at the Sharett Institute of Oncology, tells us everything we need to know — and didn’t think we needed to know — about melanoma, including if there could one day be a vaccine to prevent it.

Closing in on a Cure for Cancer

Dr. Polina Stepensky, head of Hadassah’s Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cancer Immunotherapy for Adults and Children, developed Israel’s first CAR T treatment for multiple myeloma by creating genetically modified T cells (white blood cells of the immune system) that are personalized to attack cancer for individual patients. She shares the latest news on her second appearance on Hadassah On Call.

Eating Disorders: Not Just About Food

"An eating disorder isn’t about eating at all," says Efrat Dreizner, coordinator of social work in the HMO psychiatry department. It’s a mental health issue. With treatment, says Dr. Esti Galili-Weisstub, director of Hadassah's Herman Dana Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40 percent of adolescent patients at Hadassah will recover, while 60 percent risk staying on a chronic track that may lead to suicide. Hear the causes, effects, prevention and treatment of eating disorders.

Heart Matters: Exploring Innovative Heart Treatments

In this episode, originally aired during American Heart Month, Dr. David Planer, director of the department of Interventional Cardiology at the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), describes what sets HMO apart from other hospitals, painting a heartening picture of how his department’s innovative techniques take patients from near death to full recovery.

Fertility & Sperm: The Lowdown

Sperm counts have declined more than 60 percent worldwide over the past decades. Dr. Hagai Levine, head of environmental health at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, talks about his recent study and reflects on what has fueled this drastic drop.

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