A Mission of Courage, Compassion and Commitment!

October 29, 2023

A Mission of Courage, Compassion and Commitment!

It has been a week since we both returned from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization’s Unity in Crisis, Emergency Solidarity Mission for Israel. We made the decision to go based on the importance of having Hadassah at every influential table and bringing the 50 important Jewish leaders on this mission to see our pride and joy, Hadassah’s hospitals, and to show Israel we stand with them now and forever!

It was a whirlwind trip, starting first in Washington, DC, with a solidarity conference, where we heard from political leaders including Senator Chuck Shumer, Senator Mitch McConnell, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Rep. Steve Scalise and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who shared their support for Israel. The energy in the room was at a fervent pitch. Everyone understood that the October 7 attack was a defining moment in Israel’s history, and the Jewish diaspora had to come together with one voice, Am Yisrael Chai. It was a fitting way to transition to our flights to Israel.

We arrived Wednesday afternoon to an Israel that felt like a ghost town. The airport was eerily empty, as was the road to Jerusalem. And that evening we immediately met with representatives of families whose loved ones are being held hostage in Gaza. Their eight missing family members include two sisters (8 and 15); a father and his two children (11 and 16); Carmela Dan, an 80-year-old grandmother and her 12-year-old granddaughter, Noya (since then, both have been reported murdered). Horrifying. Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg told the story of their son, Hersh, one of three survivors of a horrific assault on a shelter filled with perhaps 40 young concert-goers. CNN’s Anderson Cooper had managed to show Jon and Rachel a Hamas video of Hersh, with his left arm blown off, being loaded onto a pickup truck. Despite his condition they were relieved to see him alive.

The Polins were comforted to talk with us and to see that Hadassah was part of this special mission; Jon Polin's mother, Leah, is an active and beloved member of Hadassah Chicago-North Shore.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the room as the relatives told their stories and asked that we join them in demanding the release of the hostages be the highest priority. All the families demonstrated determination and courage in the face of the unknown. We will keep talking about the hostages and their stories wherever we go! Courage in the face of adversity! We will never forget their faces or their words!

On our second day, we met with Israel’s top leaders in off-the-record conversations, including President Isaac Herzog, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Minister for Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They all spoke of their commitment and their appreciation of US support. They were very complimentary of President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel.

Later, we had the historic opportunity to bring the mission delegation to Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem. They were greeted by Hadassah medical clowns in the lobby of the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower, then lit yahrzeit candles for those murdered. In the Abbell Synagogue surrounded by the beauty of the Chagall windows, they heard from Dalia Itzik, board chair of the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), and Director General Prof. Yoram Weiss, who spoke inspiringly about the victims being treated at the hospital, many of them IDF soldiers. Then they divided us into groups to meet the recovering wounded and see the underground hospital that can continue to operate safely even if the war impacts Jerusalem.

The leaders who visited left with a new sense of respect for our work and our hospitals. We all felt such compassion and pride for the patients and the medical staff taking care of them. We are grateful for the deep commitment our staff at Hadassah’s Offices in Israel, Hadassah International and the Hadassah Medical Organization have shown throughout this devastating time.

During the mission’s remaining time, we met with members from a kibbutz near the Gaza border. Over dinner, we were heartsick to hear about the 20 members of their kibbutz who were killed, many of whom had worked for peace.

Before we left Israel, we both went to the Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus, where we were amazed by how, in just six days, an underground space was created for a complete patient floor in case the war intensifies, including the installation of electrical, sewage, water and security, all with 50 workers instead of the normal 120. This space, designed to keep patients and their medical teams out of harm’s way, could not have happened without your support.

Your generosity has enabled us to ensure that our hospitals have what they need in this time of crisis and our youth villages also receive support.

We will continue to raise funds so that we are always prepared for what is to come.

This mission made us feel like we were walking in Henrietta Szold’s shoes, following in her footsteps on your behalf. While you couldn’t be with us on this mission, we were proud to represent you.

Let us all pray for peace for the land of Israel. Let us all stand united for Israel! Am Yisrael Chai! Todah rabah, thank you, for your support and continued commitment to Hadassah and Israel!

Rhoda and Naomi

Rhoda Smolow
Hadassah National President

Naomi Adler
Hadassah CEO

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