US Ambassador to Israel Praises Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem

November 14, 2023

US Ambassador to Israel Praises Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem
Left to right: Barbara Sofer, Director of Public Relations, Hadassah Offices in Israel; Barbara "BG" Goldstein, Ambassador-at-Large, Hadassah Offices in Israel; Suzanne Patt Benvenisti; Dalia Itzik; Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew; Prof. Yoram Weiss; Dr. Yaniv Sherer, Director, Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem

US Ambassador to Israel the Honorable Jack Lew visited the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) on his second day as ambassador.

His visit to HMO included meeting representatives of Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Hadassah Medical Organization senior administration and staff and wounded IDF soldiers being treated at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem. He also visited the neonatal unit of newborns in their new wartime protective home 50 meters below ground.

"I have heard already and have known throughout the years that Hadassah hospital is an institution that doesn't ask what you are or who you are,” said Ambassador Lew. “It asks, 'How can I help you?' It treats all people and has health providers from all backgrounds. It shouldn't matter if you're a Jew, an Arab or a Christian. If you're a patient, you should have a doctor, and if you're a doctor, you should treat a patient. If we could get to a political state where we could see that more broadly, Hadassah would truly be a light to the nations of the world."

Ambassador Lew was escorted by Hadassah Offices in Israel Executive Director Suzanne Patt Benvenisti, Hadassah Medical Organization Board Chair Dalia Itzik and Hadassah Medical Organization Director General Professor Yoram Weiss.

Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew with HMO leadership visiting a soldier who was injured from a booby-trapped tunnel door in Gaza.
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